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The moon charms the water in the ocean with its beauty and because the moon is so beautiful, the sea water just can't sit still. - Solfege

The amount of water is the most important part of creating waves. That can be said about people, as well. There are many things in this world that can charm peoples' hearts, just like the moon charms the sea. Things like wealth, vanity, status, image, and power. - Solfege

But if something like that ever were to happen during your life, your only choice might be to jump into that sea. - Solfege

It may be difficult at times, but if you try your best, you'll bring joy to the person who means the most to you. - Solfege

Yes, though it's insulting to compare sea water stirred by the beauty of the moon to the ugly waves of human desire. - Solfege

It's said that people can have the most peaceful dreams just before they pass on. - Frederic's Doctor

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Path to Tenuto

I see. I guess you don't want to be touched by me either. - Polka

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando Market

Now, I don't mean to be rude, honey, but floral powder just isn't useful anymore. -Random Woman.

Stay away from me! Don't touch me! - Random Man

Never go near anyone that glows like that girl did. Do you understand me? - Random Woman

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Tenuto Village

I'm not afraid of dying. It's just, well, I'm just sad that, no matter what I do, I can't make any friends. - Polka

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando

Easy? If that's what you call easy, I'd hate to see hard. -Beat

And plus we're carrying fresh baked bread. You don't have to be a rat to want a bite of this. - Allegretto

Besides the people lucky enough to live in houses aren't the ones who need us to take bread to them. - Allegretto

You're still here. Don't hang around an old bag like me! Get your act together and maybe you'll find a girlfriend. - Random Old Woman

A single day is so short. But time goes on forever. I wonder if a person might be able to eat time. - Random Man

No matter what your ailment, you'll recover in no time. - Store Clerk

Kindness, compassion and affection for our fellow brethren, these are the things we can truly not live without. - Priest

Chapter 1 Raindrops: First Boss Battle - Bread Gang

We've got people waiting for this! And we don't have enough to give any of it to you!- Beat

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando Sewers

I guess the Count of Forte isn't that bad after all. I mean, at least he keeps the tax on medicine cheap. - Beat

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando

Are you still messing around with that stuff? You need to look at things with your own two eyes. - Allegretto

That's how it works. Basically, magic is a side effect of her disease. - Allegretto

Yeah. It's weird. Most of the time people don't really trust each other, but when it comes to something that they think might hurt them, they'll believe just about anything they hear. And they'll ignore almost anything else that doesn't help them directly. - Allegretto

As long as they have food on their table, they don't care if other people out there are starving. - Allegretto

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Tenuto Village

Yes, well things always seem nicer in memories. Its still just as beautiful. - Solfege

You have a heart that sees the world with open eyes, don't you. -Frederic

Everything in the world slowly fades with time. It is very difficult to remain still, and keep things exactly as they are in just one particular moment. But because everything shifts only a little bit at a time, no one really notices the change. - Frederic

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Chopin

The difference between dreams and reality may very well just be relative. - Ludwika

Only the individual can determine what is a dream and what is reality. - Frederic's Doctor

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Tenuto Village

Everything around us is all a part of my dream. Even you are just a product of my imagination. - Frederic

My mom says that if I'm not with her, she gets lonely and she can't fall asleep by herself. - Random Boy

If I can see the stars, the next day will be sunny. If I can't, well then it'll be rain. - Random Old Woman

The apples from our garden are really sweet. My mouth is looking forward to them already!- Random Woman

Look there. I've got the full moon floating in my cup. - Random Man

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Heaven's Mirror Forest

Of course, this is all a story I've created in my head. So there's no way I could possibly be wrong. - Frederic

They're called Heaven's Mirror. They're like a reflection of the starry sky on the meadows. - Polka

They're beautiful. Absolutely stunning. It truly is a wondrous sight. - Frederic

The sun brings life, but the dark brings death. And these flowers bloom in darkness. So darkness is evil, light is good. Whether you want to call them Heaven's Mirror or Death Lights, that's up to you Frederic. - Polka

Long ago, it was thought they looked like the light that guided people to death, since they blossom the opposite of regular flowers. Even now, a lot of people don't like these flowers. Too many, they're still considered a bad omen. That's also how they think of me.- Polka

I want to go out into the world and live my own life. Even if that life only exists in your dream. I don't know how much time I have left to live, but I want to live what's left of my life in a positive way, bringing happiness to others. - Polka

Like these flowers. Even though people call them Death Lights, they still blossom and struggle to live on. - Polka

Since you can't use magic, it means you don't have an incurable illness. - Polka

You're a guest in our dream world, after all. That's not something that happens every day. - Polka

A flower that resembles you...A bad omen. Death Lights... - Frederic

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando

We're going to help Ritardando's poor by getting the leaders to lower taxes on stuff besides the mineral powder, right? That way everyone can afford blankets, and cheese and all the honey-covered bread they could ever possibly want. Then everyone can finally be happy! Right, Retto? - Beat

You mean you don't know? I take back what I just said. - Allegretto

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando Sewers

I'll look after everybody while you're away. Just leave it to me. - Ad

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Ritardando

You may have noticed, but my brother is pretty good at making money. - Random Woman

You again? These flowers aren't for eating! Scoot, now! Scoot! - Random Woman

What does it mean to be macho? - Random Boy

But don't fall in love with me because I'm so macho. - Random Boy

He said he's trying to show me how macho he is by running on the beach. But he just looks stupid. - Random Girl

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Agogo Forest

Hey, that's not nice. Don't say things like that! Taking pictures isn't a waste of time. - Beat

So what? We can handle a little rain. I mean, the hideout's roof leaks like crazy. And that's just when it drizzles. - Beat

You know, the rain makes the plants look even more alive. - Frederic

For Tenuto's flowers, the rain is a blessing from Heaven. - Polka

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Fourth Boss Battle - Fugue

Perhaps you wouldn't mind providing me with entertainment to ease my frustration? - Fugue

I really do hate it when my clothes get wet, and here I find the two of you just as I was starting to get irritated. - Fugue

Oh, dear, what am I doing? I really don't have time to play around here with the likes of you. I need to go find that glowing creature. - Fugue

Thank you kindly for the workout. It helped me relieve some stress. - Fugue

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Agogo Forest

Hey Beat! Did I see you shaking back there? - Allegretto

Oh? Really? You were hanging on to your camera for dear life, weren't you? - Allegretto

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Agogo Village

What? Oh, terrific! It finally stops raining so of course now we find a house. - Allegretto

He kept mumbling to himself. Something about trying to find inspiration for his music. - March

You're a very lucky person. It's quite unusual for agogos to take a liking to a human. - March

Great job, Beat. You scared it off by taking that stupid thing out!

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Tenuto Village

Dear, it's not that important if floral powder doesn't sell! We'll survive somehow! - Solfege

I don't have long to live so I want to do something meaningful with that time. - Polka

I don't have much time. But I want to use my powers for good somehow. I want to help as many people as I can before it's too late. - Polka

I'm not going to worry about what other people think. If they're scared of getting sick and they want to stay away from me, that's fine. - Polka

Up until now, every stranger has been my enemy. I'd convinced myself that I couldn't trust anyone. But not anymore. Now, I'm going to start off by trusting people. Because if I can do that, then...I think I can become a Heaven's Mirror. - Polka

Chapter 1 Raindrops: Agogo Village

This trip is really getting crowded. - Allegretto