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Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Adagio Swamp

Oh? "Polka and the others"? Not "Beat and the others"? - Viola

A lifetime to build, but it only takes a moment to destroy. You know, human beings really are masters of destruction. Everything we do has some effect on the environment. And ultimately, that ends up affecting human society as well. - Falsetto

Wait, We're going in here?! - Claves

Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Count Waltz

He wasn't satisfied taking his own life. He had to kill the Guardian of Agogo Forest, too. - Count Waltz

I feel more sorry for the bridge. After all, it had to support that behemoth's weight. - Count Waltz

Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Cantabile Inn

No matter what they might say about Count Waltz, even he wouldn't give orders to kill ordinary citiens who were just coming to visit him. - Viola

Going to Woodblock, are you? That place is poisoned to the core. Don't eat any of those spores by mistake, now. You look like the kind of guy who would eat anything. - Random Man

Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Andantino's Headuarters

What do you mean "we made it"? There's nothing here. - Allegretto

After all, we are a rebel army. We're supposed to be underground, right. - Claves

Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Andante

Andantino isn't a violent organization bent on indiscriminate terrorism. Forte just doesn't realize how angry other people are about what's going on there. To make them take notice, we target only their important facilities. We make sure that no civilians are are hurt by our actions. - Soldier

Rather than live a comfortable life submitting to those in power, I want to fight for the weak who are made to suffer at their hands. - Etude

I think the desire to free people from oppression is very noble. But I don't want Etude to throw his life away. What's the use of freedom if it costs you your life? A world of freedom is meaningless to me without him. - Chaconne

Lately I'm seeing a lot of youngsters glorfying the idea of becomign martyrs for the cause. You can't build a future if you're not alive to do it. Death is not glamorous. - Doctor

Don't tell anyone you heard if from me, but Jazz and Claves are an item. - Random Man

I sure hope having our top brass in love with each other doesn't affect their objectivity. - Random Man

But they say monsters live there. What if they eat me?! - Father

People say monsters inhabit Lento Cemetery. It's an ancient legend in this land. Most people believe in and fear those kinds of things. That's why we built our hideout here. - Soldier

Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Lento Cemetery

Oh, absolutely! It'll be no problem at all! If there's a cute girl involved, this guy'll find a way to make it happen. - Viola

I don't want my sister to be sad. She's kinda cute, so please do whatever you can. - Older Brother

You know, we did kind of just barge in here all of a sudden. Now that I think about it, it may have just been protecting the graveyard against intruders. - Viola

Chapter 3 Fantaisie-Impromptu:Claves

We have an information leak on our hands. There's a spy within our ranks, and, I think, that it may very well be Falsetto. - Jazz

I've known her since childhood, so we can tell almost everything about each other. - Jazz

It must have been a coincidence. I can't believe Falsetto is a spy. - Claves

You had the perfect chance to frame her as the spy, but you just let it pass. And you know, that failure cannot go unpunished.- Rondo

Waltz really made a mistake when he chose me for this mission because I went and fell in love with the target. - Claves

As a spy, I guess I'm a total failure. - Claves

When he was saying that he and Falsetto knew everything about each other, I felt so...The truth is I guess I'm the one who was jealous of them. - Claves

As a woman, I just didn't want to lose to Falsetto. I wanted to fight for him fairly and have him choose me!- Claves

If I had made her out to be the spy, my job and my love life would have been easy. - Claves

I wish...I wish I had grown up with Jazz. Then just maybe I would have lead a life better than the one I did. - Claves

Were my feelings real? Or was it all just some kind of illusion? - Claves

Everything I've ever done has always just been an act, but at least at the end I want to be the real me. - Claves