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Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Baroque Ship
Yeah, you've already done so much for us. Is there anything we can do to help out? This little squirt here can wash dishes for you or something. - Beat
Hey, hold on now. This guy doesn't even have a hook or an eye patch. There's no way he's a real captain. - Salsa
I could remember your name, no problem, but you need to show respect to the ship's captain. -Beat
If I gaze into the river at night,I start to feel like I'm sinking into its depths. Who awaits in that deep darkness? What is drawing me to it? Will this steady melody that beats upon the ship guide me to the
kingdom of darkness? - Sailor
Could that be the proof I sought? Does it mean that this world, that I believe to be a dream, is slowly becoming a reality? - Frederic
Or is it only proof that I, myself, am slipping away? Fading away at a speed fasther than the world is fading? - Frederic
After all, it's only natural to worry about companions you've spent a lot of time with. - Polka
How disheartening must it have been for her to be forced to accept inescapable fate? - Frederic
Why? Why does God allow such things to happen to good people?- Frederic
She lives on inside your heart, Frederic. And she lives in the wonderful music that your hear creates. She also lives on inside all the people of the world whose hearts are moved when they listen to your music. - Polka
Emilia will never really die. She'll touch the hearts of every generation to come, through her brother's melodies, she will live on forever. - Polka
You know, Polka, whenever I am with you, I feel like I'm talking to Emilia.- Frederic
Although I didn't realize it before, I think I've been dwelling on the past. And ignoring the future. Because dwelling on the future is just too painful when you know you're going to die soon. - Polka
And now I realize, that be believing in you, it's the same as believing in the future. - Polka
That's it! That's it! You know they've got a captain with an eye patch and a hook! Oh and I'll bet they have a lot of treasure. - Salsa
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Pirate Ship Dolce
What the? What's this thing? It looks like some kind of weird rock or something? - Salsa
Apparently, I said it was a gift from someone I loved and I would never throw it away, no matter what. - Polka
You had a boyfriend when you were four? Wow, you were really precocious, weren't you? - Salsa
The distant memories of a fleeting love. It's so incredibly romantic! - Salsa
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Twelth Boss Battle: Dolce
Look, Beat! It's a real pirate captain with an eye patch and a hook and everything! - Salsa
I thought pirate captains were, you know, supposed to be grizzly old men with scraggly beards. - Beat
That's not true! Eye patches and hooks are a pirates trademarks! They'd be naked without them. They can't help it if it makes them look stupid! - Salsa
You like hooks, do you? Well, then I'll give you a taste of this one! - Pirate Captain Dolce
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Pirate Ship Dolce
Come on! You'll never be a big shot if you say silly things like that! Taking this much treasure is no big deal at all. - Salsa
Yeah. Exactly! With a huge pile of treasure like this in front of you, nobody would be interested in any of this other junk. - Beat
Look! I got the ultimate treasure! - Salsa
Oh, poor Beat. I guess now you go back to being the short one again. - Polka
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Baroque Castle
I just remembered something I wish I hadn't. - Beat
Yeah, and if we don't hurry up, they'll eat all the food. - Salsa
However, if Baroque were to preemptively challenge Forte, many innocent civilians would surely get caught up in the resulting all-out war. - Prince Crescendo
The suffering of innocents is one of the greatest tragedies of war. It's appalling. - Chopin
And if we were to do that, would it not be the same kind of evil for which Count Waltz is responsible? - Princess Serenade
Someone else with evil designs will surely appear to fill the void. - Chopin
It's because the passage of time allows us to forget tragic and painful events. We let them go, so that we're able to continue on with our lives. - Chopin
But there are some things that must never forget. No matter what. Tragic memories we have to carve firmly in stone, so that the wind can never blow them away. - Polka
To attack him first would be a classic example of man's suspicious nature leading to war. - Princess Serenade
We must achieve true peace. Not simply the appearance of it. - Prince Crescendo
If we throw all our support behind a band of rebels, I believe it will be Baroque that is disgraced in the end. - Princess Serenade
I wonder if March is holding out okay. She's totally hopeless without me around. - Salsa
Little sisters can get away with anything they want. I'm always being told to act my age. - Random woman
My older sister always acts bossy just because she was born a little earlier than me. Even my clothes are all her hand-me-downs. - Random Girl
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Baroque City
Wah! You're...triplets? Hey! You're all trembling and blurry...*hic* You okay? *hic* - Random Drunk
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Sharp Mountains
Who in the world would be flying a kite all the way up here on top of a mountain?! - Beat
Who cares about a bird at a time like this?! Let's just go inside already. - Salsa
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Count Waltz
Oh well. Once we have an endless supply of insane soldiers, there'll be no need to spy on Andantino. - Count Waltz
Even when Serenade marries into Baroque, she is still a princess of Forte. - Count Waltz
She won't let them follow a path that could harm Forte. - Count Waltz
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Sharp Mountains: Mountain Lodge + Flashbacks
Well, you see, each and every one of us has a jewel inside our hearts. - Solfege
Well, there were some cookies I ate without askin you,so..Maybe mine's not glowing. I'm sorry. - Polka
Oh, Polka. Your astra is glowing, but it's glowing far too brightly for this world. It's glowing so brightly that it is unconsciously leading you towards a deep darkness. One that must be illuminated. And then someday the time will come with the abyss of the sea will open up before you. Oh, I I wish you weren't the only person who could bring light to that dark ocean floor. If only there was someone else who could take your place. Then it really wouldn't matter if your light ever dimmed. - Solfege
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Baroque Castle
Who are you people?! Don't just come barging in here! You've come to laugh at my research, haven't you? Get out! Out! - Magic Researcher
Amazing! I never thought I'd meet two magic users at once! This is a surprise!- Magic Researcher
People who use magic are not really that rare, but few will come forward and talk about it. Of course, that's to be expected, since admitting you can use magic is the same as saying you're sick. In addition, people say the magic user's illness is contagious. So they keep it a secret from the people around them. - Magic Researcher
However, it cannot be transmitted to others, in spite of what people might say. That rumor is a product of the human tendency to judge based on appearances instead of investigating the truth. - Magic Researcher
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Wah Lava Cave
And it was so cold just a little while ago. If the weather keeps changing back and fourth like this, we're all gonna end up getting sick. - Beat
Don't expect the invincible Dolce Gang to give up that easily. - Guitar
I suppose I'll spare your lives today. You haven't heard the last of me. - Dolce
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Thirteenth Boss Battle: Fugue
I was just walking along and then boom! We just popped out in the woods right next to it! I must be a genius, if I do say so myself. -Salsa
I know you're totally hopeless without me around, so I was a little worried about you. -Salsa
What is it? What could possibly be more important than the story of my trip? -Salsa
Did I really? I'm afraid I tend to forget unimportant little details like that. - Fugue
I'll just put you out of your misery right now. After all we really have no need for you anymore! - Fugue
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Agogo Village
Don't hold it against me, Fugue. But it looks like I'm going to get credit for this one. - Rondo
Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Baroque Castle
What is that? There appears to be something on the poor thing's leg. I wonder what it is. - Princess Serenade
But why? What does this mean? - Prince Crescendo