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Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Baroque Ship

Yeah, you've already done so much for us. Is there anything we can do to help out? This little squirt here can was dishes for you or something. - Beat

Hey, hold on now. This guy doesn't even have a hook or an eye patch. There's no way he's a real captain. - Salsa

I could remember your name, no problem, but you need to show respect to the ship's captain. -Beat

If I gaze into the river at night,I start to feel like I'm sinking into its depths. Who awaits in that deep darkness? What is drawing me to it? Will this steady melody that beats upon the ship guide me to the kingdom of darkness? - Sailor

Could that be the proof I sought? Does it mean that this world, that I believe to be a dream, is slowly becoming a reality? - Frederic

Or is it only proof that I, myself, am slipping away? Fading away at a speed fasther than the world is fading? - Frederic

After all, it's only natural to worry about companions you've spent a lot of time with. - Polka

How disheartening must it have been for her to be forced to accept inescapable fate? - Frederic

Why? Why does God allow such things to happen to good people?- Frederic

She lives on inside your heart, Frederic. And she lives in the wonderful music that your hear creates. She also lives on inside all the people of the world whose hearts are moved when they listen to your music. - Polka

Emilia will never really die. She'll touch the hearts of every generation to come, through her brother's melodies, she will live on forever. - Polka

You know, Polka, whenever I am with you, I feel like I'm talking to Emilia.- Frederic

Although I didn't realize it before, I think I've been dwelling on the past. And ignoring the future. Because dwelling on the future is just too painful when you know you're going to die soon. - Polka

And now I realize, that be believing in you, it's the same as believing in the future. - Polka

That's it! That's it! You know they've got a captain with an eye patch and a hook! Oh and I'll bet they have a lot of treasure. - Salsa

What the? What's this thing? It looks like some kind of weird rock or something? - Salsa

Apparently, I said it was a gift from someone I loved and I would never throw it away, no matter what. - Polka

You had a boyfriend when you were four? Wow, you were really precocious, weren't you? - Salsa

The distant memories of a fleeting love. It's so incredibly romantic! - Salsa

Chapter 4 Grande Valse Brillante: Twelth Boss Battle: Dolce

Look, Beat! It's a real pirate captain with an eye patch and a hook and everything! - Salsa

I thought pirate captains were, you know, supposed to be grizzly old men with scraggly beards. - Beat

That's not true! Eye patches and hooks are a pirates trademarks! They'd be naked without them. They can't help it if it makes them look stupid! - Salsa

You like hooks, do you? Well, then I'll give you a taste of this one! - Pirate Captain Dolce