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Chapter 5 Nocturne: Ritardando
Why did you have to die?! Now Jazz will never forget. And he won't ever be able to get over you! - Falsetto
She must have been deeply troubled by what she was doing, for a long, long time. - Frederic
Who knows? Maybe she felt like she's somehow responsible for Claves' death for some reason. - Allegretto
Oh, how creepy. The shelter must be infested with some sort of strange creatures. - Random Woman
No. I'm sure it must be ghosts. The souls of the people who were killed by the pirates, have come back to haunt this place! - Random Man
That's right. Since you've done nothing but go around causing trouble for this city, you need to make up for it somehow. - Random Woman
You're used to dangerous jobs like this. - Random Man
No, Retto, it'll be okay. Let's just agree to do it. We can always come up with some way out of it later. - Beat
It's a good thing Polka's not here, she'd have definitely found out about all the bad things we've been doing. - Beat
What?! Ghosts?! But ghosts are scary. I really hate ghosts. - Salsa
Well, with this many talented people helping out, you don't really need me, do you? - Allegretto
I know what it is! He's scared of ghosts, so he's running away! - Salsa
Yep, that's right. I've been keeping it a secret, but I'm actually terrified of ghosts. - Allegretto
I don't care whether it's ghosts or something else. I don't have time to waste on stuff like that! - Allegretto
I'm not much of a rock collector, but it really is strange looking. Maybe I'll show it off to Salsa later. - Allegretto
At least you're a lot more reliable than Retto. I can't believe he took off and left the work to us. - Beat
Locating the trail one little girl should not be too difficult if I ask in Ritardando. - Rondo
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Ritardando Sewers
She's been like this for so long! She's not going to die or anything, right? Right?! - Phony
What?! But do you have money? Do you think you can do it without Retto? - Sym
Am I really that unreliable? - Beat
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Ritardando
The demand for other medicines has shrunk, so we don't carry them much anymore. - Store Clerk
I wonder if these are flowers that Polka grew. - Beat
What a pretty ring. It looks good on me! - Random Woman
All right! We finally got some cold medicine. But now that lady's gonna become super strong. That's kind of scary. - Beat
This is a very nice ring. I feel like I'm full of energy! - Random Woman
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Ritardando Sewers
I'm so glad we had you around, Beat. If it had been just us, we wouldn't have known what to do. - Sym
Okay, back to the church! I've got to figure out who that creepy voice belongs to! - Beat
People really depend on you, don't they? Someday I'm wanna be as dependable as you. - Ad
Oh, yeah. It wasn't just God. You helped, too. - Sym
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Fourteenth Boss Battle: Root Lurker
What? That's it? If it's not a ghost, then it's no problem at all. - Salsa
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Tenuto Village
Well, yeah. In a way, every single light back then was much more innocent. Nowadays if you see anything glowing out there, it's usually just the fires of mistrust, burning brightly inside people's hearts. - Allegretto
Yeah, sure. Human beings live their lives always being suspicious of the people around them. I guess it's the only way they can be sure that their own hearts are actually inside their bodies. The only way they can prove they even have hearts.
The rumor about catching a disease if you touch somebody with magic is a perfect example. Mistrust is the norm. And the people who lose everything from caring too much, the world calls them idiots.- Allegretto
What a sad world we live in. That everyone feels they have to put so much energy into maintaining their feelings of mistrust. If only everyone in the world could learn to use that energy for other things. If they could...I'll bet that then, we'd be able to live lives that were filled with light. - Polka
When the suspicion in your heart gets too strong...I think you can lose sight of the things around you that are really important. - Allegretto
Maybe I should just jump off this cliff right now. Then, maybe a new life would be waiting for me. A life without sickness and fear.- Polka
Even if I don't have long to live, I'm not going to do something as stupid as that. - Polka
All right. How about I let my special rock make the jump for me? It can go in my place.- Polka
But don't throw this one away, okay? After all, it's the first gift I've given to a girl.- Allegretto
This rock wasn't my treasure because it was unusual. It was my treasure because I received it from someone I loved. And now Allegretto's given me a rock that has the exact same shape. Does that mean...A treasure that I received from someone I loved. A treasure that was from Allegretto. - Polka
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Baroque Castle
He's right, you know. Third place is a bronze medal! Not bad at all!- Salsa
Without you playing, sweet and kind lady Viola, the game wouldn't be any fun at all.- Salsa
War is simply a battle of egos. A desire to surpass your adversary. I'm afraid that as long as both sides feel that way, this clash will continue indefinitely. It's not worth it. By placing so much effort into this never ending battle, we lose sight of other things that matter more. ultimately, whatever the real issue was is forgotten and replaced by this challenge. This battle for power. You may still think you are fighting against your opponent...but at some point, it's no longer about who wins or loses, it's a power struggle. A childish fight between adults who should know better. It's just embarrassing... - Prince Crescendo
I let myself believe in something that wasn't true. That Claves wasn't a spy for Forte. Looking back, I let myself believe what I wanted to be true, without realizing it. I know that my weakness was the very thing that led to her death. Perhaps in a way I was trying to make up for not believing in myself by believing in Claves. Are you any different? Prince Crescendo. I don't want to watch you make the same mistake that I did. - Jazz
I already know. I realized it a long time ago. That a Forte spy had infiltrated my inner circle, and was hiding very close to me. - Prince Crescendo
The more you rejected the notion of war, the more my suspicions were confirmed. - Prince Crescendo
No...A rebellion no longer serves us any purpose. To avert this war...we have to find a new solution.- Prince Crescendo
Just hold your hand like this, in front of the person that you love. If you do that, the charm's supposed to make them fall in love with you, too. Easy, huh? - Viola
Don't joke around with her too much, Viola. - Jazz
I'm the one who really needs courage. - Viola
Claves then Falsetto...Well, looks like I'm third out of three players. I'm the bronze medal winner again. - Viola
It's okay. I kind of realized something. Bronze medals suit me. - Viola
She's scaring me. - Salsa
Me too. Maybe she's got some kind of super-secret strategy worked out. I'm starting to get nervous. - Beat
You know guys, bronze medals aren't that bad after all. They're kind of nice. - Viola
How rude of you to barge in here like this. What is the Prince thinking, inviting people like this into the castle? - Random Man
My, my. It's been some time since I've seen a commotion like this. Where did you charming people come from? - Random Woman
Father can't dance at all, but he tells me I have to learn because it's refined. I'm my father's son, you know? There's no way I'm going to be able to dance. - Random Boy
The other day, I asked a fortune teller who my soul mate was. It turns out he's someone from Forte. - Random Woman
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Baroque City
What?! Today's not as public court day?! Grrr! And after I dragged my old body all the way here! I demand an explanation. - Old Man
My big sister came home from work all tired. So I tried to cheer her up by telling her what happened to me that day. But she just got mad and told me I shouldn't be up that late. Isn't that mean? I was up because I was waiting for her! - Little Sister
First my boss chews me out, then when I come home, my little sister just won't stop talking to me! I'm so tired. I wish she'd leave me alone. - Big Sister
Hmm,hmm,hmm...I feel like something's still missing. Maybe there are too many pedestrians. Maybe I'll remove some of them. - Random Man
"Once I head out to sea, I don't come back for years. Never knowing when my life will end, a man like me could never make you happy. Please forget about me." Heh, heh, it's perfect! - Random Man
I don't ever want to go home now! I could live here forever. - Random Man
I wonder how far these tracks go. If I kept walking along them, maybe I'd get to a town I've never seen before. Random Boy
Never forget, the light is always with you. It sees all things, both good and evil. - Priest
What's a priest? Is it warm? Does it taste good?! - Salsa
What you see with your eyes is not the truth. It will disappear the moment it is touched. For it is not the truth. The path leading to it is false. Only the faithful can see the truth. Pure actions will cultivate your heart. Walk toward the light. Though each step may be difficult, a shining future awaits you between the sky and the sea.- Priest
March! You can't just tell everyone what to do! Being selfish like that will disrupt our teamwork! - Salsa
If it means not having to listen to lectures in the snow, I'll go anywhere. - Allegretto
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Baroque Castle
Oh, come on. We'll bring it right back. Just because you're studying it doesn't mean no one else should go in there. It's not like it's going to get used up. Come on. You're acting like a kid who grabs all the strawberries off a birthday cake. How immature. - Allegretto
W-w-what did you call me?! I'm not immature! All right, then! I'll lend you the Aria Temple Key! What do you think of that, huh?! - Magic Researcher
Yes, In situations like this, I think a test is necessary to determine your worthiness to have the key. - Magic Researcher
Oh! Yes, that's it! Thank you! Now I won't get fired! - Magic Researcher
Chapter 5 Nocturne: Fifteenth Boss Battle: Rondo
Listen carefully, I have business with that girl. If you all do precisely as I say, I won't harm the rest of you. Understand? - Rondo
It's just that I realize that I'll never be able to compete with Claves now. Now matter how fast I run, I can never catch up. I'll only just become more and more bitter and she'll always have a smile on her face. That was all I could think about and before I knew it, I had run away. But now I may have this once chance to catch up! - Falsetto
I am not...going to run anymore! - Falsetto
Not bad. I'm so impressed you were able to figure out I was the one who killed her. - Rondo
Actually, it's not too late. What do you think Would you like to take the place of Claves? You could work with us. Think about it. Andantino's leader is about to die. No one will ever find out that you're a spy. - Rondo
It's because of despicable people like you that tragedies like what happened to Claves occur in the first place. It's unforgivable. The way people like you can use and discard feelings without so much as a second thought! And now you're going to pay for it! - Falsetto